Monday, February 18

A pair of ducks at home in the land of lions, foxes, turtles, owls, and … teddy bears?

MTI snippets

... a.k.a. the last little pre-Guatemala nugget :)

One of the really cool things about MTI is that kids go through the same training as their parents, only at their own level.  It’s amazing really, I mean,  have you ever tried to explain the concept of a paradox to 5-9 year-olds?  Well, let's give it a shot!  You see, there are these two ducks, Yaay Duck and Yuck Duck.  During times when everything is changing, there are some “Yaay!” moments that can make us really happy and some “Yuck.” moments that can be really painful.  Funny thing is, the two ducks always swim together; in order to have Yaay Duck, you have to welcome Yuck Duck… 
...hence they are a pair-o’-ducks! 

These two ducks have been quacking away in my life lately, but it has been a rich and rewarding experience.  Leaving hurts and going is wonderfully exciting.  Paradox!

The other animals in this zoo only come out during times of stress or conflict.  You're probably familiar with these guys already, if you think about it!  

The lions usually come out first, since they revel in the opportunity to fix a good problem every now and then.  They're great at telling it like it is and coming up with a solution.  

Next, you might notice the foxes striking a sly deal to make sure that both parties give a little and take a little equally.  We might be in a tight spot, but... "hey! what about this?"  

Hanging back are the teddy bears, making sure that everyone feels loved regardless of the outcome of this troublesome interruption to their relational harmony.  

Up in a tree somewhere sits an owl or two, with a great perspective of everyone’s wants and needs and feelings, ready to put together a perfectly pleasing plan for all involved.  They love sensitively solving problems, but speed isn’t their specialty… sometimes the other animals move along without them when they need a fast solution.  Hence, most owls learn how to speak a second language or two in the animal world  :) 

Oh, the turtles?  Those little critters pulled back into their shell a long time ago!  You won’t see them until after all the facts have been gathered and it has been made abundantly clear that there really, actually, indeed is a problem to solve.  Why dive into an unnecessary conflict?  Some will stay in their shells until the last of the lions sits down and takes a nap, but don’t worry, the teddy bears will keep an eye on them and do their best to coax them out eventually.  

Obviously there's a lot of humor involved explaining conflict styles via animal stereotypes, but I've found it so helpful!  I hope you do too.  

Well, folks... this is it!  I will check in next from closest-internet-cafe, Guatemala!  Thanks for reading!  

1 comment:

  1. What a fun pun and great insights. It should all come in very handy.
