Wednesday, October 10

What's it all for?

My prayer for us 
is that in a world of so much suffering, and hurt, and need, 
that God will not leave us opening jam jars, 
but that He will rescue us from all things petty, 
rescue us from all things of fear, 
and lead us with courage into a world that's 
yearning to know the goodness of God 
through us. 
-- Gary Haugen

I have been so challenged by this question -- for what purpose did God bless me with so much abundance?  Surely it is not for me to sit comfortably and build my own kingdom.  With all the power of Matthew 28:18-20 and all the peace of John 16:33, is His greatest purpose for me to be safe?  
Or is it to be brave?  

I cannot be both.  


  1. Hey Nae! just want to add an, "amen" to what you posted and encourage you as you pursue God's call on your life. I love you and He loves you even more.

  2. Dearest Renae, SO excited about all that Jesus has in store for you as you walk close to His heart and allow Him to love and live through you! He is so amazing and has beautiful things in store! I am blessed to watch you follow Jesus' call - “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me..." (Matthew 16:23-24) and that is truly when we find His true life! LOVE YOU, SISTER! <3
