La Vía Dolorosa
I had the privilege of going with a handful of our girls to a vivid presentation of God's love for us and the price he paid for our freedom. Sitting amongst a pile of friends, babies, and small children is my new favorite way to enjoy all angles of God's story. Did I mention that there were babies?? Sweet, precious Arquilla babies and their beautiful, brave, young, learning about life the hard way mammas. We had a lovely evening together.I also had the privilege of walking with one of our girls through a crowded auditorium - once toting the diaper bag and once holding her baby. Now, if there's one thing living in Central America has gotten me used to, standing out and having random strangers downright stare at you is definitely close to the top of the list. Not a day goes by where someone doesn't bluntly point out that I'm very different from everyone else in this country. Thank you, I'm going to choose to embrace that. But let me tell you, we got some looks walking through that auditorium; the kind of looks that make my "mother bear" realize it's Spring time.
Yes, ma'am. This girl is very obviously a new, inexperienced mother. Good catch! You have probably also noticed that she doesn't exactly have a diamond ring on her finger.
But ma'am?
You know absolutely nothing else about her! Maybe she is a foolish girl seducing for love in all the wrong places. But I'm here tonight with a friend who had been through hell and back before she even qualified as a teenager, who made it out on the other side with another life depending on her for the safety she didn't even have herself, and that's all the compassion you can shoot her way? Impressive. I realize we just crossed your path, but I sincerely doubt that that gave you the whole picture you needed to judge appropriately.
At about this point, I realize that I'm doing the same thing I'm mad at "those people" for doing: drawing conclusions about someone's character without bothering to meet my fellow God's-image-bearer. Ouch.
All of this going down as the greatest story of God's grace plays on in the background. Good heavens, do we ever need that grace!
So Renae, before you pounce, take a second to pray
and before you assume, please ask
and if that second pause only makes you mad,
go ahead and take an hour or two at the feet of the man who had to die just to save you...
until you can come to the point of rejoicing in God's grace
... For "creepy-looking guy" loafing outside the grocery store
... For the mom who smells like smoke and is yelling at a kid
... For the rich couple who just zoomed by you on the highway
... For the pregnant teen who looks like she's enjoying herself
... and for the tall woman sitting in front of you with a noisy baby =)
and take a reminder to be gentle.
Matthew 6:22